Some expressions to give a foothold in Spanish

Feet are used in many Spanish expressions.

There are many uses of the words feet and foot in idiomatic expressions. The word for foot in Spanish is el pie, pronounced (pee-ay). The word pata is generally used to refer to the leg on a piece of furniture or an animal’s foot.

However, in jest pata is sometimes used to refer to a human’s feet. For example: Estar con un pie en la tumba means to have one’s foot in the grave. Often expats will hear Estar con una pata en la tumba, which means the same thing. They may also hear, Voy a pie (I’m going on foot). But some people say jokingly, Voy a pata. Pata can be used to get a laugh out of people (sacarles una cacajada).

Hear are some expressions using pie and pata:

A pie firme – steadily (progress).
Al pie de la letra – to the letter, exactly.
Al pie del cañon – to be working. Morir al pie del cañon means to die with your boots on.
Balompié – soccer.
Buscar tres pies al gato – to look for trouble (to look for three feet on a cat).
Cienpies – centipede.
Comenzar con el pie derecho – to start off on the right foot. Comenzar con la pata derecha.
Con pies de plomo – Carefully (with lead feet).
De pies a cabeza – from toe to head. Lo revisé de pies a cabeza. I examined it from head to toe.
En pie – standing like a house that survived a hurricane.
Estar con una pata en la tumba – to have one foot in the grave.
Estirar la pata – to die or kick the bucket. Patear el balde also means to kick the bucket.
Ir a pie – to go on foot. Vamos a pie. Let’s go on foot.
Meter la pata – to put your foot in your mouth.
Nacer de pie – to be born lucky.
No tener ni pies ni cabeza – not to make heads or tails of it or it makes no sense.
Pata de palo – peg leg.
Patas arriba – upside down or topsy-turvy (a mess).
Patas de gallina – crow’s feet (wrinkles around the eyes).
Patear – to kick.
Patear el culo – to kick someone’s butt (vulgar).
Patituerto/a – pigeon-toed. Also heard are patas de pato and pies encontrados.
Patón – someone with big feet.
Perder el pie – to lose one’s footing.
Pie de atleta – athlete’s foot.
Pies planos – flat feet.
Ponerse de pie – to stand up.
Saber de qué pie cojea – to know one’s weak point. El lado flaco or talón de Aquiles means the same thing.
Se le fueron los pies – to stumble. Literally his feet went out from under him.
Sólo salgo con los pies de frente – You’ll only take me out of here feet first (dead).
Soldado a pie – foot soldier, infantry.

Related Tiquismos (Costa Rican expressions):

A pata pelada – bare feet.
Bailar en una pata – to be happy,
Con toda la pata – when a person feels great.
Echar patas – to disappear or used when an object gets robbed.
Estar con una pata en el estribo – to be about to do something or have one foot out the door.
Llevar entre patas – to possess a woman sexually (vulgar).
Parar las patas – to fall.
Pata caliente – someone who likes to travel or hang out in the street.
Pata de chancho – a crow bar.
Pata de perro –means the same as pata caliente.
Patas vueltas – a good-for-nothing or insignificant person.
Patear con los dos – to be bisexual.
Salir con una pata de banco – used when a single woman gets pregnant.
Tener patas – to have pull or influence.
Volar pata – to walk.
Zafarse las patas – to commit an error or get pregnant as a single woman