A hairy experience

  • Con pelos y señales – with all of the detail. Me escribieron con pelos y señales. They wrote me with all of the details.
  • Dejarle a uno en pelo – to leave someone penniless
  • Escaparse por un pelo – to have a close call
  • Hombre de pelo en pecho – a real man
  • Montar en pelo – to ride a horse bareback
  • No ceder un pelillo – to not give an inch
  • No tener pelos en la lengua – to be outspoken
  • No tener un pelo de tonto – to be no fool
  • Por los pelos – by the skin go one’s teeth. Solís ganó la elección por los pelos/por un pelillo. Solís won by the skin of his teeth. Also por un pelo de rana, y las ranas no tienen pelo. To win by a frog’s hair and frogs don’t have hair.
  • Por un pelo no es…- someone is close to being something. Por un pelo ella no es genio. She is almost a genius.
  • Ser del mismo pelo – to be in the same social class
  • Se me pusieron los pelos de punta – my hair stood on end. Erizársele el pelo or parársele el pelo mean the same thing
  • Soltarse el pelo – to let loose or let it all hang out (figuratively)
  • Tomarle el pelo a uno – to pull one’s leg. Me tomaron el pelo. They pulled my leg (figuratively)
  • Venir al pelo – to be just right , to be exactly what one needs. Also exactamente lo que el médico me recetó. Just what the doctor ordered.


Tiquismos of the week:

  • Parársele la peluca – to get bent out of shape or upset. A José se le paró la peluca al recibir la mala noticia. Upon hearing the bad news Joe got upset.
  • Pelillo de gato – drizzle The correct Spanish word is llovizna.
  • Cuando la rana echa pelo – when a frog sprouts hair or never