To be angry

  • Bañazo – is to make a fool of oneself. Hacer el ridículo or ponerse en ridículo mean the same thing.
  • Chivearse – to be angry. Enojarse, estar bravo/a , estar chivo/a or tener mucha cólera all mean the same thing.
  • ¿Cómo está el arroz – How are you? Slang for ¿Cómo está usted?
  • Irse de pollo – to be made a fool of
  • Pacho – a blast or a lot of fun
  • Pegar con cerca – is to come to a dead end both literally and figuratively
  • Pollitos – children. Niños is the correct word.
  • Puris – slang for the mountain town of Puriscal
  • Semáforo – this words literally is a traffic light. Since nobody respects traffic lights here, semáforo is used for person who nobody respects.
  • Sombra – literally means shade but in Costa Rica it can mean jail
  • Sopapo – is a big blow or a hit. Leñazo and pichazo (vulgar) are also used here.
  • Una vez al año es sano – once a year is ok. In reality this expression is an excuse to do something like eat sugar, drink alcohol or engage in other risky, unhealthy or sinful behavior.
  • Verla peluda – to have something bad happen. Verla fea or verla ofe are also used in Costa Rican slang.