Category Archives: Vocabulary

Language is more than just a means of communication. It influences our culture and even our thought processes. The idea of give readers a large dose of vocabulary is to improve their comprehension, ability to communicate better and learn idiomatic Spanish.


A pata pelada means barefoot. Descalzo is the correct term;
Bañazo is an embarrassing situation;
Cáscara means shameless. ¡Qué cáscara! What nerve!;
Chingo/a or chingoleto/a nude or without clothing. Como dios lo trajo al mundo is another way to say naked.;
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To be naked

Cambiar la marcha – Literally means to change gears when driving a car but it also means to change the subject in a conversation.
Chingoleta – naked
Cholladao/a – a seamless person
Coligallero/a or torero/a – person who prospects or searches for gold
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More Costa Rican Slang with translations

Pachuco Real Life Translation Literal Translation
Mae Dude or Buddy Dummy
Cargarse de risa Dying of laughter  Crapping with laughter
Echarnos unas Birras Give us some Beers Throw us some Beers
Ahuevado I’m Bored
Es un Queque A Piece of Cake
Compa Friend
Ponerse las pilas Get to work, Get Moving Put in the Batteries
Pele la oreja Listen closely Peel your ear
Agarrar la lata Catch the bus Grab the Can
Echar más harina Give them more money Add more Flour
Buena nota A good guy Nice Note
Mala nota Not a very nice guy Bad Note
Ir a Pata  Go on foot Go by Duck
Chocar con Cerca Dead End Hit the Fence
Es un Hueco Bad reputation Bar It’s a hole
Un dolor de Huevos Pain in the rear Pain in the Balls
Tomarse un Yodo  Drink a Coffee Drink some Iodine
Unas Cabras Girls or Women Female Goats
Echarle un Ojo al mesero Keep an eye on the Waiter Throw an eye on the Waiter
Se le rayó el Disco Repeating Yourself Scratched Record
Huele Pedos Ass Kisser
Estar tostado Already drunk Toasted
Mujerón Stunning Woman Huge Woman
Mover el Piso Rock my World Move the Floor
Echar el Cuento Pick up a Girl in the bar Pour the Story
Ser una Teja He or She is a Gem Be a Tile
Verla peluda Seems difficult Hairy Eyes
No encuentro la Nave I can’t find my Car I can’t find the Ship
No tengo ni un Cinco I’m Broke I don’t even have five
No dejen que lo limpien Don’t let them cheat you Don’t let them clean you
Váyase volando  Hurry, get going Go flying
Soda de la esquina Restaurant on the corner