More Costa Rican Slang

hablar paja – talk about trivial matters or B.S. A pajoso is a bullshitter
hablar (hasta) por los codos_ (v.) to talk too much. Hablar hasta por el hueco del culo (To speak even through your ass) is a vulgar version of this expression. Hablar como lora hambrienta (To talk like a hungry parrot) is still another version. A parlanchín is a person who talks incessantly.
hacerse bolas – to get confused. The verb Confundirse is the correct way to express this idea.
harina – literally is the kind of flour you use to bake but in Costa Rica it can mean “money.” Huaca or mosca are also slang for money. El dinero or la plata are more correct words for money.
hasta la coronilla/el copete to be fed up with something. Estoy hasta la coronilla de mi trabajo. I am fed up with my job.
hasta el culo/hasta las tetas/hasta la picha – Vulgar ways to say you are drunk. Jumas is another way to say it in Costa Rica. Borracho or ebrio ae more correct.
hediondo – to stink. Apestoso means the same thing. The ticos use hedi to express the same idea.
hembra – slang for a woman. Be careful because this word can be disrespectful when referring to women.
la high – the upper crust or class.
hijo de papi/papá – a spoiled rich kid.
hospi – slang for hospital
hueiso: (adv.) ver gacho .
huele pedos – an ass kisser or suck up or brownoser. Lamebotas or lameculos (vulgar) is also used in some Latin American countries.
hueso – a chaep person. Hueso literally means “bone.”
huevo – literally means egg but can mean ‘money” in Costa Rica. Huevo is also slang for testicle.