How to use Saber and Conocer

Conocer and saber, which both mean to know, are two verbs which can present problems for anyone trying to learn Spanish. Knowing how to use these two verbs correctly is important if your goal is to speak fluent Spanish. You can avoid mixing up these two verbs if you learn the rules below.

Conocer is “to know” or “to meet” a person for the first time. For example, “Yo conozco a José” (I know Joe); or “Conocí a mi esposa en una fiesta” (I met my wife at a party). Conocer also means to know or be familiar with a place: “Yo conozco New York” (I know New York). Many times conocer can also be used when asking if you have ever been to a place. When asked, “¿Conoce Vd. París?,” you are being asked if you have ever been there.

Saber, on the other hand, means to know a fact of know how to do something. For instance, “Yo sé su nombre” (I know your name); or, “Yo sé arreglar el coche.” (I know how to fix the car.).

Saber and conocer are also used as part of many expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples of idioms that use conocer:

  • Conocer de vista (to know by sight). Se conocen de vista ( They know each other by sight).
  • Se conoce (It is obvious). Se conoce que no vienen. (It is obvious they are not coming).
  • Conocer la aguja de marear (to know ones way around). El conoce la aguja de marear (He knows his way around).
  • Conocerle el juego (To see through someone). Le conozco el juego. (I see through him).

Here are some expressions that use saber:

  • Saber a (to taste like). Esto sabe a mostaza (This tastes like mustard). Saber a gloria (to taste heavenly). La sopa sabe a gloria. (The soup tastes heavenly).
  • Saber bailar al son que le toca ( To know how to adjust to the circumstances). El sabe bailar al son que le toca. (He knows how to adapt to the circumstances).
  • Saber de qué pie cojea. (To know someones weak points). Sé de qué pie cojea. ( I know his weak points).

Tiquismo of the week:
Jacha is a Costa Rican word for face. The correct Spanish words for face are cara or rostro.