Street Spanish Continued

Slang is often referred to as “Street” or Colloquial Spanish.

If your goal is to speak the language fluently and understand native speakers, you should study the expressions I have listed below.

Hablar por los codos – to be very talkative.
Vender gato por liebre – to cheat or deceive.
Meter la cuchara – to meddle or to butt in to a conversation, put in two cents worth etc.
Como para chuparse los dedos – delicious or finger licking good.
Hacérsele agua la boca – to make your mouth water.
Andar de fiesta or andar de parranda – to go out partying or paint the town red. In Costa Rica they also use Andar de manteles largos.
Media naranja – spouse, better half.
Andar para arriba y para abajo – go all over the place
Estar limpio – to be broke

Tiquismo of the week: Cascarudo is a shameless person in Costa Rica.