Easter-related sayings

In my column about Easter last week I forgot the Easter-related sayings or dichos below. Remember that la Pascua de Resurrección or la Pascua florida mean Easter in Spanish. By the way, la pascua de los hebreos is Passover.

Estar como unas pascuas or más alegre que unas pascuas – to be very happy
Hacerle la pascua a uno – to bother someone or make their life miserable
¡santas pascuas! – means …”and that’s that.” This is used when something is concluded. Aquí está su dinero..y ¡santas pascuas! Here is your money and that’s that.
De Pascuass a Ramos – means “once in a blue moon.”
Cada muerte de obispo
is also means the same thing.

Tiquismos of the week:

Levantarse con el pie derecho: to get up with the right foot
Levantarse con el pie izquierdo: to get up with the left foot