More Pachuqismos

A grito pelado – shouting
Acois – Synonym for así (like this or like that). ¿Cómo se hace esto? Acois (Así)
Ahorcarse or echarse la soga al cuello – to get married. Literally, to hang yourself. Dar el sí is also menas to get married. Casarse is the correct verb to use to express this idea.
Apuntarse – to join others in an activity. Vamos al cine. Let’s go to the movies ¿Quién se apunta? Who wants to join us?
Bagaces – lazy.
Bases – feet. Pies is the correct word. Patas an animals feet but are also used to refer to people’s feet in jest.
Bañazo – shame or foolish act
Bate – a man or penis
Bateador – a person who is uncertain and guesses
Bochinche – a fight or quarrel A bocnichero is a person who gets into fights
Bombeta – a conceited person
Bote – jail. Tavo or tarro are also slang for jail in Costa Rica. The correct Spanish word is la cárcel.
Brumoso – A fan of the city of Cartago’s soccer team.
Burra – sounds like female donkey or burro but refers to the lunch that one takes to work.