A Shameless Person

Bien pellizcado/a is an astute person
Cascarudo/a is a shameless person
Cletero/a is a bicyclist
Echar patas literally means to sprout feet, but is used when an object is stolen.
Estar de manteles largos is to celebrate one’s birthday
Guindo is type of gully or ravine
La cultura del guaro refers to the widespread consumption of liquor in Costa Rica. Guaro is a sugarcane-based liquor
Llenazo is an event that a lot of people attend or that is a complete success
Pelagatos is a useless or insignificant person
Platinazo is the temporary closing of a famous bridge “la Platina” that has been plagued with structural problems over the years.
La Refor is short for la reforma which is the country’s main prison.
Tamarindear is to drink liquor
Topador is a person who sells stolen merchandise or a fence
Voladera de bala is a shootout with guns
