Coffee is called iodine in Costa Rica

Atravesar el caballo: To change the subject in the middle of a conversation.

CartuchoThis word actually means a cartridge but in this case it is slang for the city of Cartago.

Chema: Is slang for a shirt 

Con el moco caído: To be sad

Con toda la pata: Perfect or great.

Cuero: A woman with a bad reputation. Cuero actually means leather.

Dar en el clavo: To hit the nail on the head (figuratively)

Doña: Wife or girlfriend

Echar el cuento: To persuade or to seduce a woman. Echar el caballo or Echar el ruco also means to seduce.

Lucas: Crazy. Loco/a is the correct term for crazy.

Mala nota: A bad situation or person

Mentarle la madre: To call someone an S.O.B.

Pajoso/a: a person who is all talk.

Polo/a or maicero/a:  Is a country person or hick (offensive)

Quedarse como en misa: To be very quiet like during a religious service.

Rulear Echarse un rol: Means to sleep. Dormir is to sleep in proper Spanish.

Yodo: Actually means iodine but in Costa Rica is slang for coffee. Echase un yodazo is drink coffee.

¡Toque!: Hurry up! ¡Apuráte! Is also used.

Tiquismos or Costa Rican expressions of the week:

  • Buscar el sol que más calienta: To look for a better option or situation
  • Despedirse a la francesa: To leave without having the courtesy to say good-by to someone.
  • ¿Cómo está el arroz?: How are things going? ¿Cómo está la cosa? Is also used.
  • No quitar el dedo del renglón: To stick to our guns, persist in our efforts or to not budge an inch.
‘Oh man, really shouldn’t have had that coffee in June,’