More local slang

Bslangañazo – an embarrassing moment
Bicha – a motorcycle
Bisnes – business. Negocios is the right way to say it.
Carnavalear – to take part in a carnival
Chivear – to make someone angry. Enojar is the most common way to express this idea.
Depre – depression (mental)
Entabar – to put someone in jail. Comes for the word tabo or tavo which can mean jail in Costa Rica. Encarcelar is the correct verb.
Fulear – to fill something. Comes from the English word full. The correct verb is llenar.
Hacerle números – to figure something out
Joya – it literally means a jewel but is used to refer to a thief or criminal.
Novios or pretendientes – suitors or potential buyers of a property or anything else.
Pepinazo – a goal in soccer
Pringapie – diarrhea . Literally means to spatter one’s feet.
Queque – local term for cake. Pastel is the real way to say it.
Verse las caras – to confront each other. This expression is often used when two football (soccer) teams play each other.
Volar ojo – to watch something
Wachos or gauchos or guayabas – all mean slang for eyes. Los ojos is the correct word for eyes

Tiquismo (Costa Rican expressions) of the week
El tiro le salío por la culata – to backfire like a plan, etc.
Hacer borrón y cuenta nueva – to start over again
Herediano por media calle – someone from Heredia.
Pedir cacao – to ask for forgiveness