More Tico Tidbits

ChocobolaAzote – literally means a whip but can be a person who is attractive or draws a lot of attention
Chocobola – slang for soccer. Actually refers to a round chocolate candy wrapped in aluminum foil decorated to look like a soccer ball.
Deshuesadero – a chop shop for stolen cars
Guamazo – a strong blow, hit or collision
Hacer un MacGyver – to improvise something or something that is makeshift
La Joya – Costa Rica’s National Stadium
Matadero – slang for one of Costa Rica’s famous love motels
Pancista – a person who always roots for the soccer team that wins
Perico – slang for cocaine
Quincho – slang for the man’s name Joaquín
Trono – throne or toilet
Una person 4 por 4 – a versatile person or jack-of-all-trades

Tiquismo (Costa Rican expressions) of the week –
Crecer como la espuma – to rise like foam when a person experiences success quickly
Escoba con enaguas – another name for a woman (insulting)
Huevos de agua – a man that can only procreate girls (vulgar)
Salir de una y se mete en otra – to get out of one jam (problem) and then get stuck in another one
Salvarle la tanda – to get someone out of a jam or help
Tirarse al agua – to make an attempt to achieve something or to “take the plunge”